Been an extremely busy time as we continue to work on numerous projects behind the scenes. The government is going to try to maintain exemption 4 on the attribution analysis, but this weekend I noticed a court filing in the DOJ v. Georgia Tech lawsuit in which Georgia Tech argued that everything connected to the Astrolavos lab is “fundamental research” and therefore no cybersecurity was needed:
Fundamental research, Georgia Tech notes, is characterized by a type of research ordinarily released in the normal course of business and not subject to restrictions for proprietary/national security reasons.
Argus Leader says that if the entity typically releases the information in the normal course of business, there is no exemption 4 to claim.
Either Georgia Tech just lost the case vs. the DOJ, or, the attribution analysis must be released without any exemption claims.
Waiting to hear back from the DOJ.
Do you expect any more cooperation with a new President/DOJ?