Durham Motions in Limine
I wish I had better news, but I try to make a fair analysis on here.
Today, Durham had a rough day. He lost more than I anticipated for his motions in limine filing.
Lets take a look:
On the Ritz Carlton piece, including testimony from the hotel manager, Durham lost completely and none of it is coming in:
On Danchenko making statements about his work for Steele to friends, it’s mostly denied except for one statement to Dolan:
Danchenko’s email to Cenk Sidar encouraging him to fabricate sources is also going to be left out of trial:
On a bunch of emails from Millian about Danchenko to establish they didn’t know each other, Durham had some success:
but the July 2020 emails from Millian previously noted are out:
Discussion of the counter intelligence investigation of Danchenko from 2009-2010 is going to be very limited, mostly to its existence:
The Ritz Carlton piece was probably the biggest thing Durham was hoping to get into trial, and its unfortunate that we are not going to hear anything about that.
That’s a quick summary of a long filing, go ahead and read it.
We will have a spaces chat on twitter Thursday at 9pm EST. We’ll try to review Danchenko for the newbies, answer a few questions, and get ready for the trial which begins next week.
For Danchenko trial coverage, I recommend live tweeters John Haughey (@jfhaughey58) and Toria Brooke (@realtoriabrooke).
I’m hoping that Rob Gouveia covers the trial, he does a fantastic job breaking down the transcripts on a nightly basis, make sure to check out his Youtube channel
@Techno_Fog will have some great stuff before anyone else, as usual.
We will have chats, I’ll have some analysis and highlights as well.
I do want to prepare everyone, this is going to be a tough trial. Not because of the jury, but because the case is pretty weak.
Counts 2-5 are about lies Danchenko told about Sergei Millian. I don’t see a conviction on any of those counts. Especially with Millian refusing to cooperate.
Count 1 is probably more straight-forward in the presentation of the charge, it deals with a lie Danchenko told about talking to Chuck Dolan about dossier stuff - but it’s pretty weak on materiality because the FBI had known the truth by mid 2017 and did nothing differently. The curve ball is likely to be Ivan Vorontsov here.
It’s frustrating. If it goes south, it’ll suck to see all the whining on twitter from “our” side and all the smug garbage from “their” side, but we are making progress. There is more material available today than ever obviously, and someone completely new to this can learn 60% of the story in a few days. [I can remember spending hours down rabbit holes on stuff that is common knowledge now.]
I’m not making any predictions, but based on what we know (some of which I haven’t even told you guys), I legitimately don’t see a way that Durham could walk away without more indictments. He’s slow as hell, I have a lot of problems with how slow he was to pursue Fusion GPS emails and fight their garbage privilege claims, but his filings and especially his indictments show he’s doing a massive amount of work.
Why doesn’t he have 20 more people working for him? I don’t know.