Starting to take a look at the transcripts, but this deserves a short write-up.
Our friend Hans Mahncke found this section of a transcript:

Imagine this. March 2017, and they are desperately trying to corroborate any piece of the dossier.
The FBI is in the middle of a massive investigation. Congress is beginning an investigation led by Devin Nunes. There is some speculation about the need for a special counsel already.
And the FBI told the primary subsource, the guy who wrote 80% of the Steele dossier, to destroy evidence. Then they put him on the payroll and paid him $200,000 over the next 3 years while hiding him from FOIA and Congress.
Looking forward to another Spaces chat to hear from @fool_nelson and @trustisearnd tonight to hear their observations from inside the court room.
Last night’s chat was a long one with the great Lee Smith joining us late and is found here [be advised there is some strong language]:
Incredible discussion last night; facts keep shape-shifting our understanding and perceptions. living history- on so many levels